Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pixies and Bad Boys.

Posted by Grace at 11:16 AM
Lollipop Pixie & the Bad Boy [link]
"I don’t like him. In theory, however, if I do like him (which I don’t), how can a girl like me fall for someone like him—a man so mysterious and brooding that the Bermuda Triangle has nothing on him. Really. But what’s a girl gonna do when she’s hooked the moment he said ‘hello.’ Never mind the age gap. Never mind the baggage. What do when, theoretically speaking, I fall before I had the chance to run?"

A new novel.
A new cliche.
Let's all hope that I don't give up on this story (again) and finally finish it this time! :D

In Lollipop Pixie & the Bad Boy, join Jane and Eliot as they go through many life changing events that will either break or make their friendship. With polar opposite personalities and views in life, follow them through their misadventures. (Yeah, I know, I'm being lame, but yes).

Pop the champagne, get the strawberries, and let's celebrate the launch of this new story~ !

x Grace


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